What You Need To Know About Using SQL Payroll Software In Malaysia?

 Before this technology, employees get a cheque for their salary at the month's end. But, the new technology has introduced new technology that will make the payroll process straightforward. Many companies are outsourcing their management of payroll to service providers. They will compile information about employees such as salary, bonus, additional perks, etc.

You can even choose the SQL Payroll system for your business. It is convenient, affordable, and easy to use, which is beneficial to maintaining your employee payroll. This software enables the top management level to oversee the outsourcing of monthly salaries and other benefits. Do you know how many companies are using SQL Payroll Software in Malaysia? Almost 210,000 companies are utilizing this software to compile all the information!

Reasons to Use SQL Payroll Software in Malaysia

This software is designed to cater to all types of small or big businesses. It provides you with detailed payroll of your employee without any error. With this help, you can quickly process and print the employee's payslip with just a one-click.

We have curated the list of some reasons to use the payroll software in Malaysia:

        Monthly Payroll Process for Employees

You can easily manage the monthly payroll of employees with unique features:

1. Quickly Payroll Processing- It offers employees a speedy and user-friendly monthly payroll process.

2. Local Legislation: It automatically calculates the local legislation based in Malaysia, such as EIS, EPF, HRDF, PCB, and many more.

3. Payslip Email: You can send individual payslips based batch-wise via email.

4. Flexibility: You can quickly revise the payroll process from anywhere, anytime, with exact calculations.

5. Pending Payroll Transaction: You can incorporate overtime, bonus, leave, etc., into the final payroll at the month-end.

6. Management Report: It can provide customized and comprehensive management reports related to employee payroll.  

        Employee Leaves Management

You can even maintain complete employee leave reports:

1.  Leave: You can customize and manage different kinds of leaves, including annual, unpaid, medical leaves, and many more.  

2. View Leaves: Employees and employers can view and manage leave applications using the calendar mode feature.

3. Leave Groups: It can allow you to create groups of different departments for leaves. You can be calculated separately for the groups like management, sales, etc.

4. Forward Annual Employee Leaves: With payroll accounting software, you can quickly bring the previous year's leaves to the following year.

5.  Unpaid Leave Formula: It will allow you to set up the unpaid leave formula in the software interface, which will make things convenient.


        SQL E-Leave App

The incredible feature of this software comes with the e-leave app. It provides benefits to your business in many ways. For example, you can generate and view the detailed payslip of the employees from the past months.

Even it provides an employee dashboard to every employee so they can check their leave status anytime, anywhere. In addition, the manager has their own dashboard that helps them fit on the pending approval of leave application.

        Loan Management for Employee

Payroll accounting software maintains the employee's loan and loan repayment history. It will automatically deduct the loan repayment amount from their salaries.

        Provision of HR Management

It provides an excellent HR management system. It includes an appointment letter, confirmation letter, increment letter, termination letter, and many others.

        Import and Export the Payroll Data

This software enables you to export the data and integrate the attendance anytime from the year in excel format. In addition, you can set up all the salaries automatically, processing the payroll weekly or bi-monthly.  

        Limited Access

     The two persons can access the payroll system: top management and employees. However, the employees can only see it and do not hold any access. Therefore, only HR has access to process the management-level salaries.


SQL Account software is considered to be the fastest payroll software with first-hand information on businesses. You can make your work efficiently with its advanced and excellent features. If you are a beginner, then you don't need to worry. Many representatives provide free monthly payroll training to companies to use it efficiently.

If you want to acquire one, then you can contact Golink. We provide the best payroll software with advanced features to many companies to make your life easier and more efficient. So what are you waiting for? Go and book your free demo to learn more!


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